Capcom's Devil-Slasher series "Devil May Cry" will be released on Feb. 5, 2008 for the PS3 and Xbox 360 - but you can play the demo now.
Last Thursday Capcom made a "trial" of the game available on the Playstation Network and Xbox Live Marketplace.
Download is complete, the demo has been played, and a review follows:
(note: this review represents the version as available thought the Playstation Network)
Four words sum up the demo of Devil May Cry 4: More of the Same.
Fans of the series will immediately feel right at home with Devil May Cry 4 - almost too much at home.
The same artistic scheme, control scheme, musical arrangement, and overall feel of the demo feels almost exactly like Devil May Cry 1 though 3.
Updated and wonderfully rendered visuals are a welcoming addition considering the horribly muddled visuals of Devil May Cry 2 will only minor improvements in the game's previous installment.
This is a visually appealing title with wonderfully well crafted cinematics. In addition, realtime rendered character movement and combat is distinctly fluid with a traditional control scheme that feels just as natural.
The addition of special moves from the "Devil Bringer" option allow you to create new combinations with the circle button as well as an option to charge your sword by "grinding" with R2. Sadly, the demo does not make much use of the "grinding" function as it does with the "Devil Bringer" commands.
The somewhat out-of-place heavy guitar riff musical score during combat still feels out of place at times. Yes, it does give you some motivation to kick as much butt as possible to rack up a huge style score, but it just does not match the rest of the game's feel.
As for the game's overall storyline and plot, little is added in the demo of Devil May Cry 4 but newcomer Nero appears to be the highlighted character. I say appears because, series hero Dante and Nero are designed so closely together that it is hard to distinguish from the two. Perhaps there is a connection in association with the plot? You never know.
Nevertheless, the demo allows you to either rush through a 10-min section of a city landscape slashing enemies or battling through two bosses.
The bosses are pretty sweet. The second include a huge fire demon named Berial, Balrog anyone? (Yes, I made a Lord of the Rings reference).
Your battle with Berial is one suspenseful and fun encounter. It is literally a beautiful mess of flailing swords, arms, legs, and tails all encompassed in a glorious ring of fire.
Lets hope that when Devil May Cry 4 actually hits shelves next week that we see more of that.