According to reports from both Gamespot and GamePro, the game recently came under fire for including a music track that includes text from the Islamic holy book - The Qur'an.

Siting political incorrectness and insensitivity, the Muslim organization "American Islamic Forum for Democracy" asked Sony to recall the game.
Sony is said to have recalled the game from retailers and will ship new versions of the game next week with the music track removed.
I'm not a Muslim, Christian, or Jew, but I thought I'd make a comment about religion since I still respect it. I would like to point out that in this post, the writer does not say Allah-the Muslim word for God. Instead he writes "Allah-the Muslim God."
Let me discuss what this means to me.
By saying Allah is the "Muslim God" it is implied that Christianity's God is different and that both of the religions do not hold common ground in terms of monotheism.
However, by saying that Allah is a different word for God, the implication is that the two religions, Christianity and Islam, share the same God; thus bringing a sort of unity to the two religions, if you will.
Now, I ask, what were the writer's intentions?
This is where the importance of language comes in.
"The Muslim God" - how do you feel when you read this?
When I read it in trying to understand the subconscious messages of the writer, I feel a conveyance of "They," "Them," "Those guys over there," "Those guys with their own religion," "Those guys with their OWN God, the Muslim God, separate from OUR God, the Christian God" "Those guys that are NOT us,"
"They are NOT us."
"THEY are NOT US."
...stemming from what I like to call "distancing language."
I wonder how many wars were fought on the distancing between two groups of people.
I wonder how much hatred and misunderstanding this distancing has caused, and is still causing.
What happens if people think THEM instead of US? Sooner or later, doesn't conflict break out?
Isn't it possible that Muslims, Jews, and Christians share the same God/Allah/Yaweh?
What if each of these religious groups started thinking US instead of THEM?
What if?
Anyway, I digress. I hope I gave the reader something to think about.
Thank you for your time, and keep writing!
I had no intention of separating religions based on word usage. I am unclear in my religious beliefs specifically because of these vary reasons. Also, I do not feel that a majority of readers would be as critical of my diction. Nevertheless, I will make the appropriate change. Thank you for your input.
You're welcome. I understand how awkward and surprising this comment may have been when you first read it, and I wholeheartedly agree that the majority of the readers would not care to be so critical. But it isn't the majority that cares whether or not you improve your professionalism, it's the minority. Forgive me for my little philosophical intrusion, yea?
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