Today "The Beatles: Rock Band" was officially released to the world as well as digitally remastered versions of the full Beatles library.
However, before you run out and drop some serious cash out of "Beatlemania" you might want to reconsider your purchasing plan and figure out what is the best strategy for you.
It is no secret to anyone that the 45-track rhythm-based game is a special treat to Beatles fans and music lovers alike and it is no secret that the "limited edition premium bundle" costs $250. This bundle includes Paul McCartney's signature Hofner Bass replica wireless guitar, a "Beatles brand" drum set, microphone, microphone stand, and the game software itself.
The less expensive "special value edition" still comes with a whopping $140 price tag and includes the game software as well as standard "Rock Band" drums, guitar, and microphone.
That's right, the $110 difference is purely for instruments that look like Paul's bass and Ringo's drums. To make things worse is that the price is consistent across consoles. Normally, the Nintendo Wii version of any "Rock Band" or "Guitar Hero" title is at least $10 cheaper due to the consoles lower graphically complexity - but not this time.
Fork out the cash Wii owners.
It is clear that this is going to be an expensive purchase if you don't already own either "Rock Band" or "Guitar Hero" bundles - remember, the instruments are inner changeable by law.
So what's the best plan of attack?
The Completest Bundle (all Beatles instruments, 3 microphones) = $510

Sadly, in order receive the full "The Beatles: Rock Band" experience you have to spend enough money to buy a couple of consoles.
The completest will want the $250 bundle as well as John's replica Rickenbacker 325 and George's Gretsch Duo-Jet guitar controllers at $100 a piece for the full Beatles experience.
So now you're at $450, but you're not done yet.
The newest feature in the "Rock Band" franchise is the ability to harmonize with fellow players in the saw way the "fab four" used it. "Rock Band" microphones cost about $30 each and up to three players can harmonize at once so that's an added $60.
Finally, you can have your full "The Beatles: Rock Band" experience at a low price of $510.
That's about the price of either an Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 and Nintendo Wii combined.
The Starter Band (microphone, drums, standard guitar, Beatles guitar) = $240

If you're not into dropping $510 or even $250 to play as the Beatles then you may want to consider the "special value edition" even though you don't get any shinny Beatles instruments.
However, you could couple that purchase with one of the special edition guitars and create your own bundle with a microphone, drums, and two guitars at only $240.
GameStop's "Beatles Rock Band Value Bundle" (Rock Band 2, microphone, drums, standard guitar) = $160

Right now you can get the exact peripherals as the "special value edition" plus "Rock Band 2" for only $20 more through GameStop.
Throw in a Beatles guitar for $100 and you sitting at $10 more than the "limited edition" with two guitars and "Rock Band 2."
Thankfully, I'm not the only one who sees how overpriced this game can be. The hefty price tag and short lived story mode was the highlight of 1up.com's review.
Nevertheless, the game looks great and hopefully you can find a purchasing method that fits your budget.
Actually, the Special Value Edition is $160, not $140 (except some places online), and comes with the Rock Band 1 instruments, not the Rock Band 2 instruments.
I was basing it on the lowest advertised price which is Best Buy. You can see that by clicking on my link.
As for the instruments, I never said they were Rock Band 2 instruments. Only Rock Band.
Thanks for commenting!
I actually purchased GHWT - Guitar Kit, RB2 Special Additon, TBRB game and two ps2 mikes for under $250 from Amazon. Ended up with three games, two guitars, drum set and 3 mikes for my ps3! Do it yourself works
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