Gamers are organizing their Final Fantasy Football selections.
Final Fantasy, the more than 20-year-old video game franchise, provides more than enough characters and attributes to warrant an official fantasy football selection. There is even a couple Wiki "Uncyclopedia" entries on the topic, so you know it's legit.
Over the next week VGF will showcase the best picks for the ultimate Final Fantasy Football team taken primarily from the franchise's most recent endeavors. Who's your pick?
Previous picks:
Running Back - Zidane Tribal
Tight End - Cecil Harvey
Kicker - Tidus
Fullback - Barret Wallace

Cloud Strife
Final Fantasy VII
The unlikely leader of Final Fantasy VII is a noble pick for perhaps the most important player on the field. The notorious Final Fantasy fanboy favorite, Cloud Strife does possess quite a bit of leadership skills. Remember Cloud's coordinated assault against Jenova and Sephiroth in the Northern Crater. Besides, if he can wield that big of a sword with any accuracy, I'm sure he can throw a football.
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