Thursday, August 21, 2008

Heavy Rain Gameplay Trailer

Here is a first-look at the new Playstation 3 exclusive title "Heavy Rain."

This appears to be a survival horror title with incredibly impressive visuals:

As you may have noticed, much of the gameplay will consist of selecting various buttons via an on-screen prompt.

However, this title is attempting to take the survival-horror series a step further with additional fluidity in cinematic sequences including dialogue selection within each sequence by moving the SIXAXIS controller in the direction of the statement you want your character to make.

Be on the look out when this storm arrives in 2009.


Coldness said...

I've seen the trailer before. But I was wondering, will the game be like that? Will it just be button mashing all the way through? Is that their idea of a new battle system?

Eric Joyce said...

To be honest, I am not very familiar with this title. I would think that they would include additional gameplay aside from button mashing from on-screen prompts. My guess is the the game will play a lot like Shenmue from the Dreamcast.