Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Poll: Women Rather Play Video Games Than Sleep

Female gamers appear to be making their way into gaming culture.

A recent poll conducted by the E for All Expo and PoshMama.com shows that twice as many women would choose to play video games rather than catch up on sleep if given an extra hour of free time.

Heather Weaver, a Technology Contributor for PoshMam.com said that video games appeal to women for a variety of reasons:

Playing video games is becoming an increasingly popular pastime for women, which isnt surprising given that its a great way to spend time with family and friends, have some fun and even blow off some steam.

The poll also showed that women play video games in various settings such as while on the phone, while at work, and while preparing for work.

The owner and operator of the "E for All Expo" - Mary Dolaher - said that video games appeal to a diverse group of consumers:

Video games are truly entertainment for all -- from busy women to hard core game players -- and E for All reflects that both in name and in its wide array of products, tournaments, appearances, and other exciting events.

However, the study was only conducted from a pool of 120 members of PoshMama.com a website designed for tech savvy women. That base of respondants is too small for any definative evidence - however - it is an enlightening look at the growing diversity of gamers.


Coldness said...

That's very interesting! I always thought of gamer girls as something of rare trade! Now, I guess I could continue hoping for a gamer GF!

Online Casinos said...

it's amazing that even women are lovin' video games now! That's totally cool!