Friday, January 23, 2009

Greatest Video Game Music - Nintendo

Welcome to part one of an ongoing series where we take a look at some of the greatest music in video games per console.

First up is the original Nintendo, so feel free to either download the podcast or simply click play below.



Anonymous said...

I can't in good conscience put Zelda's music ahead of Mario.

Even putting aside the obvious cultural and commercial advantages Mario has over Zelda, the songs are just so damn catchy. Aside from the main theme, I couldn't hum you one Zelda song.

That said, I might put Mario at two and bump Bubble Bobble up to the top spot. Sometimes cool songs trump legendary ones.

Also, a small suggestion for future podcasts - perhaps include your reasoning as to why you chose the songs you did and why you put them in the order they are. What do you think makes these songs so good?

Otherwise, keep up the good work.

Eric Joyce said...

Joe you crazy guy you. How did you find my blog?

Anonymous said...

The same way I do everything...magic.

But aside from that, I knew about it from our time together in 203. I hadn't stopped by for a while though until you brought it up in class last week, so I figured I would have a look.

Plus, anything to do with 8/16-bit game music usually gets my attention.