Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Wii can be hazardous for your Nintendogs

A MSNBC report yesterday stated that a family nearly killed their dog in the process of playing their Wii.

If it sounds unusual - it is.

According to the report Marquette, Michigan dog owner Kathy White struck her five-month-old miniature Sheltie in the temple while playing the Wii.

Apparently, "Ozzy" jumped at the prociese moment White was following through her bowling swing on "Wii Sports."

White then enlisted the help of neighbor, Pene Honey, after panicing at the site of the lifeless dog.

Honey reportedly provided four or five breathes to poor "Ozzy" through his nose. After that, "Ozzy" coughed and woke up. Seems like a mere phoenix down would have sufficed.

Veterinarians discovered that "Ozzy" had severe brain swelling and was in cardiac arrest from the incident. However, he should be fine within a couple of weeks.

I guess that is why Nintendo provides a disclaimer before games warning users not to play near objects or PETS!

Nevertheless, we at VGF want to wish a heartfelt recovery for poor "Ozzy." It seems that Microsoft and Sony are not the only two being harmed by Nintendo's uber-popular console - of puppy doom!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man, you really need to have plenty of space around you to play Wii games!