Final Fantasy XII finally is available in the United States.
Five years after its first announcement, three years after the beginning of its development and eight months after its Japanese release, the popular game is available for widespread purchase.
The franchise returns with plenty of changes from previous Final Fantasy titles.
The game begins with a beautifully prerendered thematic cut scene detailing a complicated power struggle between the Archadian Empire and the Kingdom of Dalmasca. There is a battle, a murder, a double-cross and the usual complexities involved in a hostile takeover of a kingdom.
Players begin as a young man named Vaan, whose ambitions include a resistance to the rule of the Archadian Empire over his hometown of Rabanastre. He later joins with other characters to embark on an exciting adventure across the world of Ivalice.
This overbearing and beautifully presented plot is typical of the Final Fantasy franchise and may prove to be too frustrating to newcomers of the role-playing genre.
However, completely new in FF XII is the “Active Dimension Battle” system (ABD) and the ability to revolve the camera in a 360-degree range of motion. Diverging from traditional turn-based battle, the ABD allows for battle in real time with the ability to refocus the camera as characters initiate battle at any direction.
I thought they were supposed to stop making the game after FFX? Or am I remembering incorrectly?
They released Final Fantasy XI, an mmorpg, shortly after FFX which was followed up by FFX-2. Final Fantasy XII was released some time ago and I wrote a review for CM Life. The only reason I posted it was so I could reference it on something a posted on Yahoo! Answers.
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