An USA Today article announced that Microsoft is implementing a new tactic to expand its Xbox 360 user base: women.
According to the report, Microsoft is going to be giving Xbox 360 consoles to 1000 women across the country for free.
The catch - they must invite 10 of their friends to join in on the fun, creating a new generation of video game parties aimed toward women. Included in these bundles are an Xbox 360 arcade console, microwavable popcorn, a copy of "Scene It? Box Office Smash,"a universal remote for the console, a 3-month subscription to Xbox Live, and 1,600 Xbox Live points to use via the Xbox Live Marketplace.
This is no doubt a strategy to tap into the the female market which Nintendo has claimed a firm grasp on with more female gamers wielding a Nintendo DS than male.
But, how are these women choosen?
A marketing group called "House Party" is behind the action.
The organization helps companies market their product by developing party-based activities surrounding a specific product. That product is then distributed for individuals to host the activities in a social setting to provide consumers with a first-hand experience of the product.
Viral marketing at its finest.
Interested in hosting your own Xbox 360 party? It may be worth a shoot to sign-up with the organization at their webite:
A recent report from The Washington Post said musicians are seeing an influx of popularity thanks to rhythm games such as Guitar Hero and Rock Band.
The report said that songs featured in both Guitar Hero and Rock Band titles showed anywhere from a 15% to 843% increase of sales in online download sales.
Also noted, was 22% of music buyers under the age of 35 said they had played one of the rhythm games within the last 3 months appearing to further link the correlation.
Therefore, it seems like exposure in the Guitar Hero and Rock Band franchises generates a larger and untapped fan base. That new fan base ultimately leads to increased sales.
If music artists are paying attention, we may be seeing more artists trying to make their way into an exclusive Guitar Hero or Rock Band title. I feel that this is also a response to lackluster popular music in the current mainstream.
If you notice, many of the songs featured in these rhythm games are from artists popular 20 to 30 years ago with the occasional new song from a band one would not normally hear on the radio.
This is a reaction to the exposure to new music that younger audiences would not normally be familiar with. They are finding that they like it, so they are purchasing the songs they have mastered in the game.
Regardless, could this be answer to the dying recording industry? Could a video game really be its savior?
Every once and a while a game falls through the cracks. Final Fantasy: Dissidia is that title for me.
The PSP 3D fighting game is due for release in North America in mid-2009 according to gamespot and features nearly every protagonist and antagonist in the series.
Checkout the sensory overload trailer:
See if you can figure out what's happening here when Zidane and Cloud square off:
New trailers from Square-Enix's biggest franchise - Final Fantasy.
However, these look similar to what we saw at E3 last July:
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy Versus XIII
If anyone can read Japanese and tell me what is going on, that would be great. Otherwise, these games appear to be as fantastic visually as any other Final Fantasy title.
No official word on a release date on FFXIII for the Xbox 360 and PS3 although has a listing of November 15, 2009. Final Fantasy Versus XIII is slated for a PS3 exclusive release with no official release date either.
If you are one of the few people who have not yet downloaded and played Sony's social experiment, then look no further.
Under a week after its open beta launch, Playstation Home is that social networking addition that Sony promised PS3 owners nearly a year and a half ago.
Functioning much like the PC simulation "Second Life," Home is a 3D avatar-based social environment where PS3 owners can chat, play, and share content via the Playstation Network.
Sony representatives have identified Home as an open beta because its environments and content will be ever changing and molding to the needs of the Playstation Home community.
Five days after launch, it doesn't seem to be evolving much.
Sure players can rearrange furniture in their own personal space as well as lay down $5 in real cash for a beach-front home, but who wants to spend real money for something that doesn't exist.
Oh, I forgot about the real Second Life and WoW for a moment.
Aside from dressing and manipulating your avatar from a mind-boggling variety of options - thank god there are preset options - you can travel to only a handful of environments such as a home theater that only plays previews for "Twilight" or you can spend time in the bowling alley where you can meet new people, shoot pool, play about three different arcade games, or play bowling.
That's right: you can PLAY bowling. Or that is what Sony wants to call it. When you have a hankering to spend some of your hard earned cash for a sweatshirt or a new lamp, you can head over to the mall and choose from a selection as limited as the library of great Richard Simmons workout videos.
Inside the mall, you can also play chess against other Home users or watch some woman talk about new video game releases on a giant screen. The convergence is pretty cool and looks like an interesting venue for advertisers, but the surface hasn't even been scratched yet.
That seems to be the key issue with Home as of now.
Where is the personal space where you can show off trophies, how can you share music and movies, where are the other exciting options were we promised a year and a half ago? It seems Sony's hand was forced to launch a bear-bones version of Home to fulfill its promise of launching it in that fourth quarter 2008. I just thought they would want to introduce new content or events to get gamers excited about their new excuse for not seeing actual people.
Instead, all gamers are welcomed with is a message saying "sorry, it took you seven tries to log in, we are working on it."
Feels like a waste of the mandatory 3 GB of hard drive partitioning for content that does not exist yet.
Home is an exciting and excellent idea for Sony, but if they do not rapidly expand it soon, I'm afraid many PS3 owners may be vacating on their own.
Several years in the making, the 3 GB service is supposed to be an avatar-based, "Second Life"-esque social environment for gamers to interact and play together.
Each player is supposed to have game spaces to show off their trophies earned from various games as well as be able to share music and movies together via Home.
Based on the Playstation blog post, it also looks like a whole new venue for integrated advertising:
So free up some space on your PS3's hard drive and be on the lookout for Home launching tomorrow.
Xbox 360 fanboys are a buzz this weekend with the possibility of claiming another PS3 exclusive for its own.
Last Friday a new Konami website appears to be teasing about a new Metal Gear title with an upside down exclamation point being added to another exclamation point equaling what appears to be the Xbox 360 power button.
It may not be a very merry holiday season for Nintendo Wii owners.
Just two years after the console's release, it looks like Nintendo's innovative gaming platform may be running out of steam with an abysmal holiday lineup of games.
It's downright pathetic when major gaming Web sites list games that have been released for more than seven months as part of their holiday gamers guides for Wii owners.
It seems to say to the only good games for the Wii this year have been "Super Smash Bros. Brawl" and "Mario Kart Wii."
Although the Wii will feature popular multiplatform game, its exclusive support follows the same mistakes Nintendo has made with its previous three consoles.
The Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, Nintendo Gamecube and now the Nintendo Wii have all only featured one "Super Mario" title and usually lose support from game developers in the waning years of the console.
Nintendo owners love their consoles because of the fantastic first-party games developed by Nintendo, such as "Mario," "The Legend of Zelda" and "Metroid" titles.
What new games do Wii owners have to look forward to this year?
Just in time for the holiday season, here is my video game shopping guide.
My editor added "Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe" so I take not claim in that.
Also, be on the look out for the official VGF game guide in a couple of weeks:
Featuring a breadth of killer titles, the lineup of triple-A holiday games also features a breadth of subtitles.
High-profile franchise games and heavily-anticipated sequels dominate the store shelves, with few original titles getting a heavy holiday push.
For those shopping for a gift for a video game-crazed loved one, the following games may include the perfect one - or the perfect "2."
"Call of Duty: World at War" (PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS) Following one of last year's greatest games, "Call of Duty: World at War" returns to the roots of the series: World War II.
Although widely criticized for looking a little too much like its predecessor, "World at War" focuses on the Pacific Campaign as you play as American, British and Russian soldiers. Look for "World at War" to feature the industry's premier online multiplayer experience for a game that is sure to be a must-have for first-person shooter fans.
"Gears of War 2" (Xbox 360) This Microsoft Xbox 360 exclusive is claimed to look, play and sound very close to its predecessor - which is fantastic when it is the sequel to one of the most widely acclaimed games in recent years.
In "Gears of War 2" you reprise your role as the hardened killing machine of a man named Marcus Fenix, who, with the help of his Delta Squad soldiers, takes the war with the "Locust Hoard" deep into the Earth.
"Gears of War 2" adds new weapons, new environments and new multiplayer features to culminate in a package that is easily equal to the 2006 classic. Xbox 360 fans will not want to miss the opportunity to play this gem of a game.
"Resistance 2" (PS3) "Resistance 2" is another sequel that is bigger and better than its predecessor.
"Resistance: Fall of Man" was an original and notable launch title for the Sony Playstation 3 because of its stellar visuals and engaging environments. The original game had you play as Sergeant Nathan Hale as you battle through Britain after an invasion by an alien race called the "Chimera."
Of all the innovative ways the Nintendo Wii allows games to be played, never have gamers been required to use their butts.
Ubisoft wants to change that.
The company's newest title for the Nintendo Wii, "Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party," utilizes your glutes to sled on a yak, surf in space, break it down on the dance floor and enjoy all the pleasures you never thought you could have in the self-proclaimed "first game in the world that you can play with your rear end."
"TV Party" is the third game in the classic "Rayman" series to feature the Rabbids, hilarious rabbit-like creatures.
However, this time the Rabbids have found their way into your television set, where you can play a plethora of mini-games based on television spoofs. You will partake in activities from shooting zombie chickens on the "Cult Classic" film channel to cooking burgers to feeding them to a giant whale creature on the "Raving Channel."
A recent story from Gamespot UK reported that Keith Bakker, the founder of the Smith & Jones centre on gaming addiction in Amsterdam, said video game addictions are a social ailment and not psychological.
Reportedly speaking on the BBC, Bakker said his institute had orginally believed video game addicition was a compulsion in the same way a gambling addicition functions. However, new findings show the contrary.
"These kids come in showing some kind of symptoms that are similar to other addictions and chemical dependencies... But the more we work with [them] the less I believe we can call this addiction," he said. "What many of these kids need is their parents and their school teachers: this is a social problem."
According to Bakker, playing video games is a response to being bullied in school and makes up for a lack of communication skills.
I personally never thought a video game addicition was a psycological condition. I figured it was only a psycological problem to the extent that compulsive gamers feel they need to play video games to avoid other social contact.
As with anything else, video games should only be played in moderation with other things.
You know it is a problem when it interfers with other aspects of your life such as school, work, and family.
Sometimes you need to just put down the controller or sign out of WoW.
It is hard to imagine that it has been 10 years today since Shigeru Miyamoto's masterpiece "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" was released.
In 1998, America was not involved in a conflict in Iraq, the price of gas was $1 or less, there was no such thing as an iPod, Xbox, or the Nintendo Wii. There was the Nintendo 64 and a promising new future of gaming in three dimensions.
N64's "Super Mario 64" gave mastery to 3D gaming, but it was "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" that perfected it.
My choice as the greatest video game of all-time, "Ocarina of Time" still has as much of an impact today as it did 10 years ago.
Crafting a masterpiece in visual display, ingenuity of controls, cleverness of puzzle design, and excellence in its musical score to create a video game that transcends button mashing and ascends to a level of art.
I remember first entering the Deku Tree and making my way across a new landscape of possibilities in game design that can never be repeated. The soothing music in the Deku Tree brought both mystery and darkness in a Nintendo title that I had not experienced until "Ocarina of Time." Having completed the first three temples as the young Link, I had thought my journey was nearly over until I found there were five more for me to explore as the older, more mature link.
"Ocarina of Time" certainly captivated and encompassed everything a video game should be with a widely engaging story and my first experience with cinematics in a video game that crafted a beautiful tale of courage and discovery.
The shear depth of the game was well worth its original $60 price tag with side quests that often rivaled the "Final Fantasy" series in depth. Each new side quest or task worked to foster new relationships not only between Link and the game's many supporting characters, but between the player and the game itslef. In this way, Link really does live up to the original meaning of his name - to be a link between the player and the game.
Strangley enough, I remember dreaming about the game at night and being completely stumped in the Fire Temple deep within Death Mountain. Only a truely good game can have you that puzzled.
Alas, I remember actually crying as I watched the final credits roll because "Ocarina of Time" was the quintessential game that forever solidified my love of gaming. I simply did not want the experience to end as it far surpassed any expectations I had as an 11 year-old gamer.
"The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" is the greatest and most impactful video game I have ever had the pleasure of playing and it is surprising that 10 years have past since it was first released.
I strongly suggest to anyone who loves video games to treat yourself to one of the greatest experiences you will ever have in what can now officially be considered a classic.
Unrelated to video games, I spent some time last week working on another passion of mine - film making.
This is a film that we shot in one night as part of a 48-hour film competition. I did most of the cinematography as well as helped piece together the story.
We were given the criteria of:
Theme - Money Isn't Everything Piece of Dialogue - I don't need your excuses Setting - Car Scene - a chase scene Object - a bag of dirty laundry
Following this criteria, we devised the following. Enjoy:
Sorry for the pause in gaming info, it is paper season I'm afraid. However, I am working on some new content so be ready for new posts soon.
Is it merely a coincidence that each of these high-profile games are equally well crafted? Or is GameSpot having a difficult time debating whether they want to hold one title higher than the others? Maybe they are just afraid of the backlash from fanboys?
Perhaps financial constraints have some factor if one developer purchases ad space over the other. It could also be likely they purchase the same amount.
With two other high-profile releases this week (Call of Duty: World at War and Mirror's Edge) launching this week, it will be interesting to see how the reviews turn out.
After over a year and a half of development and recent controversy, Sony's quirky side-scrolling adventure "Little Big Planet" arrives on the Sony Playstation 3.
"Little Big Planet" is one of the most basic, yet oddly complex, titles in video game history.
At its heart, "Little Big Planet" is a game of creation and customization.
You begin the game as a character named Sackboy, moving across a 2D side-scrolling environment only to realize that you are actually running through the game's opening credits as pictures of the developers take the place of the game's physical structure.
In a press release this morning, MTV Games and Apple Corps LTD. announced an original Beatles rhythm game from Rock Band creators, Harmonix.
Harmonix CEO Alex Rigopulos said the game will not simply be an addition to the Rock Band series but "a new, full-grown, custom game built from the ground up."
Given the blessing of living Beatles members Paul McCartney and Ringo Star and surviving wives Yoko Ono Lennon and Olivia Harrison, the game is said to fully encompass the complete history of the revolutionary band as the press release reads:
...the game will be an unprecedented, experiential progression through and celebration of the music and artistry of The Beatles.
He also said it will cover the Liverpool quartet's entire catalog, from their first album, Please Please Me (1963), to their last album, Let It Be (1970). The game will also incorporate elements of their career, but neither MTV nor Apple Corps. would comment on whether or not Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, or John Lennon would be playable.
Also, Giles Martin - the man responsible for the Beatles "Love" project - will function as the music producer for the new Beatles experience due fourth quarter 2009.
Sony's hugely anticipated upcoming release Little Big Planet will face a slight delay.
According to reports from both Gamespot and GamePro, the game recently came under fire for including a music track that includes text from the Islamic holy book - The Qur'an.
Placing text from the Qur'an to music is deemed offensive to some Muslims as the text of the Qur'an is the word of Allah - the Muslim word for god.
Siting political incorrectness and insensitivity, the Muslim organization "American Islamic Forum for Democracy" asked Sony to recall the game.
Sony is said to have recalled the game from retailers and will ship new versions of the game next week with the music track removed.
The Electronic Entertainment Expo may return to its former glory in 2009.
According to a report from Gamespot, E3 2009 will be up-scaled to nearly the point prior to the abysmal business summit facade beginning to 2007.
E3 will return to its roots in Los Angeles in June and two conflicting reports from G4 and a Newsweek blog state that the public may or may not be allowed to visit the booths of the top developers in the industry.
A recent update by Newsweek blogger N'Gai Croal has stated that his original report that the conference will be open to the public for two days make be incorrect. According to Gamespot, G4's report stated that the public will not be allowed into E3 although more media officials may have access to the media and business summit - I wonder if that means me?
Lets hope for the sake of gamers, and advertising purposes for the developers, the public will be allowed to attend E3 2009 because the best advertising is word-of-mouth. Allowing the public to play these games the best way to initiate word-of-mouth advertising because gamers can go home and tell their friends about how cool the 21st Madden game is and blog about it later.
Gamers from across the globe will have a chance to make a difference this weekend.
This Saturday will mark the first-ever "Extra Life" 24-hour gaming marathon.
This event - in conjunction with - is a fundraiser benefiting the Texas Children's Hospital, a leader in pediatric cancer research and treatment.
The official website can be found at All you have to do is set-up a gamer account and find sponsors to donate to your cause and game on!
Two events will be held to support the event in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, including a LAN party for $6 per hour at Game Go Computers. All proceeds support the Texas Children's Hospital.
Nintendo announced last week that they are indeed working on a new iteration of the Nintendo DS called the DSi and will be released in Japan on November 1.
According to Gamespot's official report, the DSi will feature a 17% larger screen measuring 3.25 inches diagonally, a thinner design, two new cameras (one in front and one on the back), a new SD card slot, and an updated browser.
These additions could expand the possibilities of the DS by integrating new media via the SD card slots and new gameplay options with the two built-in cameras.
No official word on a European or state-side release.
Gamespot also reported that Guitar Hero World Tour will hit shelves on October 26 and will cost $189.99 for the complete bundle or $99.99 for a guitar-only version for the Xbox 360, PS3, or Wii and $89.99 for the PS2.
However RedOctane will also a deluxe bundle costing $239.99 for the PS3 and Xbox 360 and $219.99 for the Wii and PS2. These bundles will include:
...the game software, a USB microphone, 5-pad drum kit with kick pedal, guitar and drum wireless receivers, two drumsticks, a Guitar Hero World Tour Guitar faceplate, sticker pack, guitar strap, T-Shirt (XL only), dual recharge kit, dual "gig bag," and Guitar Hero keychain.
The question it worth it?
Also, why is the standard version on the Wii the same price as the Xbox 360 and PS3 while the bundle is $20 less?
Sounds like a waste of money for an already overpriced bundle.
Once again, I would like to thank everyone for supporting Video Game Freedom for the last year and for helping to make VGF what it is today.
This blog is just one component of my greater passion for video games that I have experienced throughout my entire life and the culmination of my background in journalism and aspiration to someday become a video game journalist.
Therefore, with no further ado, here is my pick for the top ten greatest video games ever made. These are my top picks from my experiences in gaming and are only reflective of games I have personally played and completed.
10. Super Mario 64
This was first and foremost one of the most, if not the most, revolutionary games of all-time. Super Mario's grand entrance into the 3D realm was truly an awe-inspiring moment for any video game fan when he or she first experienced Mario flying in a three-dimensional world. Although Super Mario 64 was not the first to do take the leap to another dimension, it was the most well crafted of its time.
9. Perfect Dark
Following the footsteps of the widely successful Goldeneye for the Nintendo 64, Perfect Dark far exceeded its predecessor. A rich and engaging story was coupled with revolutionary elements for the first-person shooter genre that not only expanded the visual capabilities of the Nintendo 64, but established a meaningful standard for multiplayer content. The addition of bots in multiplayer modes that held numerous qualities to cater to the strengths and weaknesses of the player was a welcome and additive dimension to the genre. Truly one of the greatest first-person shooters ever made if not the greatest.
8. Kingdom Hearts
What makes Kingdom Hearts such a great title was its reception from the public after it was initially announced. The unlikely partnership of Square and Disney creating a game that featured both the melodramatic characters fro m the Final Fantasy universe and whimsical locals and characters from Disney classic films was not well received and left many skeptical. However, what yielded was a beautifully well-crafted piece of gaming art with a wonderful story, deep characters, interesting gameplay, and amazing music. This was a game that far exceeded expectations and provided a perfect synthesis between two completely difference franchises.
7. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Marking a true return to the classic, this Super Nintendo iteration of the NES classic was ahead of its time. A Link to the Past was puzzle mastery at a mild difficulty level which was the greatest flaw of the NES classic. The surprising length and creativity made A Link to the Past an instant classic that has resonated with gamers for years and is truly the pinnacle of 2D gaming.
6. Chrono Cross
Emerging from the golden era of role-playing games, Chrono Cross was a sequel to the widely popular Chrono Trigger for the Super Nintendo. What makes Chrono Cross one of the greatest video games ever made is its investment in its characters and a complex plot that rivals that of popular literature; n ot to mention the game's exquisite soundtrack which is perhaps the greatest ever made. Chrono Cross's unique twist on turn-based gameplay was a wonderfully engaging experience that took much of the bleak monotony from the genre and made battles interesting and fun.
5. Super Mario Bros. 3
Hailed as many as the greatest Mario title ever made, Super Mario Bros. 3 is a giant among video games. Renewing the franchise's classic gameplay, Super Mario Bros. 3 perfectly blended updated graphics, newly imagined level design, wonderful music, mini-games, and classic Mario fun into a package that is the king of the Nintendo era.
4. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty
The Metal Gear Solid series as a w hole could easily be honored as one of the greatest entertainment franchises in history. Specifically, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty expanded the revolutionary tactical espionage genre and coupled it with some the most beautiful visuals that the Playstation 2 ever produced - and that game was released within a year of the PS2's launch. Sons of Liberty was the first truly cinematic video game with a story that was so emotional and consisted of so much depth that this is a title that is incredibly atheistically satisfying and holds a fantastic twist. The height of Kojima's mastery.
3. Final Fantasy VII
Many would argue that Final Fantasy VII is the greatest role-playing game ever created and they would have a lot to point to. An awe-inspiring story with a fantastic musical score and the most complex characters in video game history. There is very little if anything that this game does wrong. It embarks you on a journey that is consuming and overflowing with sub-quests and hidden content - Knights of the Round anyone? Easily one of the most imitated games ever made, Final Fantasy VII was the true beginning of the golden age of role-playing games and we cannot thank this title enough for being one of the most well-polished pieces of art in entertainment history.
2. Final Fantasy VIII
Gasp, he did it. I do indeed believe that Final Fantasy VIII is a slightly better game than its predecessor because of the drastically updated visual content of the game and its greater expansion of unique gameplay elements. What makes the entire Final Fantasy franchise so well-crafted is its ability to throw additional gameplay elements in addition to the traditional run and fight a turn-based battle formula of the genre. You sneak across moving trains, ride chocobos, and take part in numerous other activities within the franchise and Final Fantasy VIII takes that a step further. The story and emotional impact of Final Fantasy VIII also feels more well thought out and has an almost cathartic affect on the gamer that only true art and accomplish.
1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Hands down, the great video game in history is The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This is a game that is perfect in every way. Not only did this game once again revolutionize 3D gaming, but it expanded the very medium itself as an art form. The incredibly surprising length of the game gives way to an outstanding ambient experience that draws on a real emotional appeal without a single line of dialogue spoken. The playful charm of the environments and the people in the villages make the more horrific and beautifully designed temples feel all the more sinister. The puzzles within these temples are also the most well pieced together and carefully crafted elements of game design ever made and have yet to be challenged now ten years later. This is the crowning achievement for the medium and is deserving of the ultimate praise as the greatest video game ever created.