New gameplay video of Fallout 3 in action.
Resident Evil 5 release date is officially March 13, 2009.
New Fable 2 trailer with slow-motion poop. This game will show how you progress from a child to an adult. Also, character and environment morphs with your actions and is unique for each player. It will release October 2008.
New Gears of War 2 trailer. Two-player cooperative gameplay showing outstanding visuals of a crumbling city while fighting through numerous enemies. It will also include a "Hoard mode" where 5 players can take out waves of enemies at a time. Gears of World 2 will release worldwide November 7, 2008.
Microsoft touts Xbox 360 and Xbox Live as the leader in the gaming industry. NBC and Universal studios added to Xbox Live on-demand content.
Announcement of the "New Xbox Experience" an massive software update to the Xbox 360. Including a My Xbox option, new avatars - which will be included in-game like Nintendo's Mii, an Xbox Live avatar community via picture and content sharing via a party system, Interactive content through Xbox Live Primetime meaning that you can play with friends on tv game show titles such as 1 vs. 100.
A new Geometry Wars title revealed for the Xbox Live Arcade as well as a sequel to Galaga called Galaga Legions.
Portal: Still Alive announced as a world exclusive for the Xbox Live Arcade this fall as well as a new South Park title.
Xbox Live partnership with Netflix. Allowing you to download your Netflix content to your Xbox 360 and even share your movies with your friends in your party.
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts trailer showing how you will be able to use and create vehicles. The original Banjo-Kazooie will be available on Xbox Live this Fall.
New Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise trailer.
New Scene It: Box Office Smash trailer.
You're in the Movies announced. A new motion-censor title where you have to physically move to complete various tasks from running while attached to a bungee cord, swatting wasps, and dancing. Your motions are then complied into a movie. Sounds and looks interesting to say the least.
Guitar Hero: World Tour News. Exclusive content will be available for the Xbox Live. Metallica music content will release for download in Guitar Hero simultaneously with their album release.
Lips announced. Allowing you to connect your Zune or iPod to allow you to sing from music tracks in your library using a wireless microphone that is also motion sensitive.
RockBand 2 will be debuting exclusively for the Xbox 360 this September. However, that doesn't mean that it will be only available for the Xbox 360. RockBand 2 will feature a new Guns and Roses track, Bob Dylan tracks, and ACDC tracks. Original tracks from RockBand and downloadable tracks will be compatible in RockBand 2 to integrate with RockBand 2's all new modes.
Square-Enix information and upate. Infinite Undiscovery will be available on September 2, 2008 exclusively for the Xbox 360. Star Ocean: A Last Hope will be avaliable Spring 2009. The Last Remnant will available November 20, 2008.
Final Fantasy XIII annouced for Xbox 360.
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